Flight Dispatch Certification (AD10)


Co-Requisite Courses

Course Memo

AD10, Flight Dispatch Certification, a zero credit class (pass, fail or NG grade at end) This will differentiate those who have completed the FAA dispatch program from those who are taking it solely for the 12 credits. If a student (flight, management, etc )wants to take the dispatch course for credit he would register for FLT441,2,3,4 and AD10- at the end if he is interested in the FAA cert, they would need to get a P in AD01, and for academic credit would have to complete the additional work required for 441,2,3,and 4 (with Pete Russo). If they are interested in the only academic credit FAA cert, they would get a NG in AD01, and would have to complete the additional work required for 441,2,3,and 4. If an outside student (not a current Vaughn student) wants to take the dispatch program ā€“ he can register for AD10 alone Before a ā€œPā€ grade is made official we should do a financial clearance check ā€“ which could revert to a U if not clear. Once clear we would need a report letting us know so we can print certs. Since this class can run in as little as six weeks we would need the grades to be made official earlier than the semester end date so that certs of completion can be distributed and FAA testing can commence. Domenic Proscia - email 05/14/2018 (NL inbox)